Environmental Science

The intergraded, quantitative, and interdisciplinary approach to the study of environmental systems

Geoengineering– Chemtrails (F10/1) (M486) High stratospheric chemical injections sprayed from airborne aircraft are chemtrails. Most people are lead to believe these well defined patterns of injected substances are condensation trails. Condensation trails do not increase and block out the sunlight or expand out. Weather modification is one of the purpose and goals of chemtrails. Rapid warm ups and cool downs are common when these injections are dispersed into the atmosphere. Lyndon Johnson, 36th President is quoted saying ” He who controls the weather controls the World”. The ozone layer centered in the lower stratosphere, is the prime absorber of ultra violet light. The top of the ozone layer takes the biggest hit from the incoming rays. The sunlight actually helps generate ozone by splitting oxygen molecules. In recent decades, humans have disturbed the stratosphere from below and above. No one knows exactly how long it takes for aircraft fumes or other omissions to disperse into the the poorly mixed stratosphere. On your next visit outdoors, please look skyward.

NUMBER INTEL: The number 1 is the symbol of the Sun. It is a known fact that when chemical injections are sprayed they obstruct the rays of the sun. The number 4 is the symbol of the negative sun. When chemtrails are deployed they shut off rays from the sun.

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